Shareware UpdateMaker is © 1991 by Analog Digital Instruments Ltd. No warranty, either express or implied, is made with respect to its performance or fitness for purpose. UpdateMaker is shareware. If you make practical use of it beyond just trying it out, you should send us US$10 if you are using it personally and US$50 if you wish to make commercial use of it. Large companies who would like a site license to cover many users and locations should contact us. Please send cheques to: AD Instruments, Suite H, 2251 Grant Rd, Los Altos CA94024, United States. This will entitle you to feel smug for at least a week afterwards. Please note that this address cannot provide support for UpdateMaker. You are permitted to copy and distribute this software, provided that this notice is preserved on all copies. This software may not be sold or distributed for profit, or included with other software which is sold or distributed for profit, without the permission of the author. Offenders will be proceeded against in the High Court by mesne process and writ of ne exeat regno with barratry and replevin, notwithstanding the dicta of Wright LJ in Rainham Chemical Works Ltd v Belvedere Fish Guano Co [1921] 2 AC 465, or s 13(4) of the Imprisonment for Debt Abolition Act 1874. Michael™ Hamel, October 1991